Should you invest in having your armchair, sofa, glider chair cushions, kitchen chairs or any other upholstered item reupholstered? The answer is yes if it was manufactured several years ago, because that’s a good initial criteria. Older pieces of furniture basically have structures that are a lot more solid than furniture on the market today.
To enhance your comfort and increase the durability of your piece of furniture, we prioritize durability when it comes to our products. We use industrial quality, high-resilience foam. Even though it is more expensive, its useful life is by far superior to standard foams on the market.
You’ll be sure to find something you love among our wide range of fabric, vinyl and leather samples. We offer an array of fabrics in different colours and patterns that will make your piece of furniture unique. Most of these fabrics can be treated to resist spills (water, coffee, wine), a feature appreciated by both large and small families.
If you are comfortable using the internet, the first step in determining the cost of your project is to send us a message via the “Request a quote” button below, adding three photos of your piece of furniture (front, side and back views). We will then be able to judge how many yards of fabric we need and how much time it will take to remove the old upholstery, do the cutting and sewing, and reupholster the piece of furniture.
We will then send you a quote by e-mail, including a price estimate for fabric that is very realistic.
If you agree with the cost, the next step is to give us your confirmation so that we can put your project on our list of priorities. Together, we will book an appointment during which you will be able to choose your fabric, vinyl or leather. It’s a pleasure for us to beautify your living space!